Frequently Occurred Issues:

1) About the discrimination against the Drive's cause:

HxT is a pairing that's always been discriminated against... For very obvious reasons. 

First, I don't think height should matter. I know for sure that in real life it doesn't work that way; it only matters in the eyes of Hollywood-influenced heterosexual imagination. hido's ex, a seme, was shorter than hido is. And I know gay guys, who are simply uke, who end up liking shorter guys. What really matters is the personality, the chemistry, and fate. (So even if it's HxS, it's also possible! ^.^;;;)

Second, hido has managed to scrape up some HxT evidences. Go to HT Encyclopedia to check it out. Although it is mostly evidence of a schiztotypal mind, it is a possible interpretation of what they have conveyed in their art. It is definitely far from complete, of course, since hido actually has a life, and has a short attention/memory span.^^ Comments and suggestions are always welcomed.

Third, I shall quote from The Little Prince: "What's important is what can't be seen..." Go think about it. Why should appearances matter?

Fourth, we all know that it's just speculation. Fanfictions are a way of expressing your own viewpoint of what could or what has been. It is also a good way of simulating mental activities. Pairings are only personal preferences, and everyone-- we, and those who don't like our cause-- have the right to like whatever they want. But whenever somebody criticises HxT, we must find our own tongues and speak. As my emo friend says... "Silence kills the revolution", to put it more glibly. 

In short, please join!!! ^.^

2) About the discrimination against the Jury:

hido is tired of always having to explain and getting misunderstood over and over again for no reason over these few effing years.

People are people, and I am human. I don't have supernatural powers and I can't help being misunderstood. 

Besides, this has nothing to do with it all. It's just plain, pure HxT, and even if you don't like the jury or if you know the jury doesn't like you (why would the jury not like you? ;-P Love all, serve all!), feel free to post. ^_^ 

If you're still hesitant, remember: I haven't gone bowling and neither have I any gun. ;-P (Cross-reference: Bowling for Columbine)

3) About the discrimination against the Jury's objectivity:

^_~ What are you doing here? hehe.

This is probably PR, but then, I must reinforce this statement once and for all: I am really very liberal even though I don't sound like that. I don't dismiss any possibility even if it is what I don't want to believe in.

I merely like to reinforce my stand, but that's because it'd be hypocritical if I pretended that my favourite pairings are everything under the sun.

The plain facts are these:

My favourite English fics are SxH, namely, hirai's and angel's. If I'm not wrong, or if my memory's not warped, those two probably suffered from misunderstanding as well simply because they couldn't get their tongues out of their cheeks. But anyway, they.were.god. 

I don't have any favourite Chinese HxT fics, and I really do admire the SxH and KxT writers because they generally have a very high level of fanfic quality.

I am schizotypal; I've reached this conclusion through self-analysis. I think if I can manage to psychoanalyse myself, I'll be able to judge works of fiction fairly.

So yes, even if you wanted me to write a SxH fic, GxH or a HxYourself fic in return, it's possible. Just join! ^_^