 TETSU69 (random info)
~* When tetsu was young, he was suspicious of the education system because the "good" students were the ones committing crimes but were against dyed hair-- in short, the teachers judged by appearances.
~* He didn't like standing at the platforms of the train because opposite him there would be some granny staring at him. 
~* During the time after he left home (when doing band stuff), he was so poor that he had not much money to eat. Gradually, he forgot what hunger was like. Even now, this memory remains in his heart, and it would help him to fight when he's down. Most of the arrangements, as the band leader, was done by him.
~* When he was really young, he would assemble GUNDAM models by himself, and afterwards would show it to people with a hint of pride, "only I could have done it!"
~* there was this time when hyde called him, "Can I go over now?" and tetchan said, "Sure!" and two seconds later... Pin~ Pon~ But tetchan's house prohibited smoking, so hyde had to smoke at the veranda.
~* When TETSU69 was under Sony, the budget was the major difference (from L'Arc, because TETSU69 was a newbie). Even the recording was done in the hotel room...
~* tetsu is a person who is very logical, precise, non-wasteful and seems to be quite clear about what he wants. If he wanted to buy something, he would buy it, and if he wanted to do something, he would do it. (reminds me of Haruki Murakami's book... "with me there is no middle ground" *_*)
~* tetsu has never had careers before, all he wanted to make was music... But he has taken up odd jobs, such as at a music store. This was also how he got accustomed to arranging his CDs at home alphabetically. 
~* tetsu dines with others... mainly because the idea of being alone could indicate that he had no friends. 
~* he seems to be a person who keeps in touch with the times. He often reads stuff like the newspaper (so he knows about political stuff), so that he's aware of things, but the magazines he buys most are fashion magazines.