About the Drive:

a) Purpose: For the entire business of HxT, and also to sabotage hidoko the idiotic jury who's going to give out the prize.

b) Prize: Whatever you want from hidoko that is possible! REALLY!
Here are a few suggestions: Get hido to write an SxH, get hido to do 20 situps, get hido to draw 100 L'Arc fanarts (she'll be in debt for life^_~). You could even request a fic that, as Celine enquired, is Hyde x yourself. Or you could have lil tete naked. :-P I'm serious.

c) the drive may be cancelled due to the lack of response (lack of response being anything less than five fics. However, even if it is just one writer submitting 5 fics, it's still counted as enough, and the drive will resume.^^)

d) The jury's going to be one person: hidoko. 


Because she started the thingy and she knows that she can rate fics well. Why would she be able to rate fics well, you ask? hido can detect subtlety, irony, paradoxes, sarcasm et cetera with super-censors! hido can stand any amount of any other pairing in the fic so long as HxT is the main thing! hido can withstand nihilism, gross mutilation, x-rays etc over a 10-years period of time! And that is not all! hido's a huge HxT fan!

Seriously, hidoko believes she can judge for a variety of reasons, and one of them being she has read a LOT of fanfics, regardless of pairings. She knows what is well-written and what is not. It's as simple as that. Besides, hidoko is currently aceing the Lit tests without studying much. ^.^ -> all right, now before I sound like a narciss... -_-;

Judging criteria will be posted on the day results are released, because we don't know what fics will turn out yet.^^

Although, on the other end, the Chinese Drive will be voted by readers. That's for a variety of reasons, the main one being that hido's chinese sucks and she'd definitely be overthrown if she went on the jury there. So hido's going as a participant (and sponsor^_~) for the Chinese Drive.
For those who can read Chinese, rules are separate. View here for the rules and regulations.